Our Story

Story of Shark Limited

SHARK Ltd. was founded in 1995 at Dhaka in Bangladesh to deal with consumer goods and in the year 2000 started the Engineering Business and opened Engineering Division.

SHARK Ltd. works to fulfill our mission of creating satisfied customers by emphasizing pre-design & planning services to provide the optimal solution to meet our client’s needs and resulting in an early & accurate alignment between scope, schedule, and budget. SHARK Ltd. offers data center & IT related services & a solution with various products different brand originated from Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Czech Republic, UK, Taiwan, Korea, and the USA. SHARK ltd. is a data center consulting firm and turnkey solution provider, having local and foreign expert and experienced personnel offering a broad range of project experience, specializing in designing data centers, computer rooms and technical spaces that integrate, best of breed, critical infrastructure technologies and result in continuously available, salable, redundant, fault-tolerant manageable mission-critical environment.


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