ISO 14064-1: Greenhouse gases — Part 2

ISO 14064-1: Greenhouse gases — Part 2

ISO 14064-1: Greenhouse gases — Part 2

ISO 14064-2 focuses on GHG accounting for the design, development, management, reporting, and verification of GHG projects or activities. It is intended to provide organizations with a framework to measure and report GHG emissions reductions and removals at a project level. This standard is particularly useful for organizations implementing GHG reduction initiatives, carbon offset projects, or other climate change mitigation activities.

Key Elements of ISO 14064-2:

  1. Project Identification and Boundary Setting:

    • Defining the project boundary and identifying project activities that contribute to GHG emissions reductions or removals.
    • Establishing the baseline scenario against which GHG reductions are measured.
  2. GHG Quantification and Monitoring:

    • Quantifying GHG emissions reductions or removals using approved methodologies and emission factors.
    • Monitoring project activities to track and verify GHG performance over time.
  3. Accounting Principles:

    • Applying consistent and transparent accounting principles to ensure accuracy and reliability of GHG quantification.
    • Differentiating between GHG removals (e.g., carbon sequestration) and emissions reductions (e.g., energy efficiency improvements).
  4. Reporting:

    • Preparing a GHG project report that documents the quantified emissions reductions or removals achieved.
    • Providing transparent and comprehensive information on project methodologies, data sources, and calculations.
  5. Verification:

    • Conducting independent verification of GHG project data and reports by accredited third-party verifiers.
    • Ensuring that GHG reductions or removals claimed are credible, accurate, and consistent with project objectives.
  6. Documentation and Records:

    • Maintaining detailed documentation of project methodologies, monitoring plans, and verification outcomes.
    • Retaining records to support GHG project reports and verification activities.

Benefits of Implementing ISO 14064-2:

  • Credibility and Transparency: Demonstrates credibility in GHG project performance through transparent reporting and verification.
  • Market Access: Facilitates participation in carbon markets and access to funding for GHG reduction projects.
  • Risk Management: Mitigates risks associated with inaccurate or misleading GHG claims through robust verification processes.
  • Compliance: Supports compliance with voluntary standards and regulatory requirements related to GHG emissions reductions.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Contributes to global efforts to combat climate change by promoting effective GHG mitigation activities.


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